• mophys Ambassador/Representative at your Missouri-based institution
A mophys Ambassador/Representative is a primary contact for information about the mophys society at their host institution. The representative also informs mophys committees about current membership status, scientific presentations, and accomplishments of mophys members at their host institution. Each ambassador furthermore serves in the 'Ambassador / Nominating committee' to ensure a diverse representation of Missouri schools in the Missouri Physiological Society. The mophys Ambassador/Representative is a standing position filled by a regular member of mophys.
• Membership Committee
The ‘Membership Committee’ addresses all aspects pertaining to mophys membership and membership dues. Under the leadership of the Membership chair, this committee discusses, formulates, and implements strategies for membership growth, membership retention, and membership benefits with the Executive committee. Committee members must be a current regular member of mophys.
• Annual Meeting Committee
The ‘Annual Meeting Committee’ plans all aspects of the annual mophys conference. Under the leadership of the mophys President, this committee is responsible for planning and scheduling of invited scientific sessions, review and approval of poster abstracts, and various organizational task (e.g., venue, poster boards, food). Committee members must be a current regular member of mophys.
• Ambassador / Nominating committee
Under the leadership of the Ambassador/Nominating chair, the ‘Ambassador / Nominating Committee’ meet regularly to exchange ideas on increased involvement of their institution in mophys. This committee furthermore identifies and recommends nominees for the mophys executive committee, whose experience and qualities meet the needs of the society. Committee members must be a current regular member of mophys.
• Communications committee
The ‘Communications committee’ will ensure the visibility of mophys to the public in multiple formats. Under the leadership of the Communications chair, the committee develops, updates, and monitors social networking accounts, the mophys website, publishes newsletters and press releases, and creates handout material for events and meetings. Committee members must be a current regular member of mophys.